Tuesday, April 15, 2008

New life yet to come.

I have a sister, who is only a few years younger than me, who is turning 40 this year, who I still call my baby sister. When we were young, she was just a tot, she was sick so many times, in the hospital frequently with pneumonia. My parents would spend days by her bed, until she was ready to come home again. There were times when I would go visit her, because she would eat and cooperate for no one else but me. I would carry her around on my hip, keep her close. Then when I got a bit older, I would beg my mother to keep her away from me and my friends; she would still lurk around corners, waiting for me. I would go into her room to check on her, I would love to watch her growing and excited about things.

As a young adult, she struggled with so much emotionally. She struggled with her view of herself, and came very close to death by not caring for herself properly, because she didn't CARE for herself. She begged me not to tell our parents, but I was scared that she would die, so I did tell.

She was mad at me for a very long time.

Then, she got married. I wanted to like her husband, but it was hard because I wasn't sure that he would be good to her. Well, I did end up liking him, and he ended up not being nice to her. I felt helpless, and intrusive, and didn't know how to help her.

Then, she left him, found her own voice, her own space, a career that worked for her, and we spent time together. Distance kept us from being together often, but when we were, we made it priceless time. Just talking, sharing, laughing, hugging, crying, remembering.......

Last year, she married the man who she is destined to be with. He is a blessing, a genuine person who is just himself with no apology, and lets her be herself, with no apology.

A match made in heaven.......

She desperately wanted a child, however. She always believed it would not happen for her. There were almosts, there were disappointments and tears, and there were worries and anxious moments.

But, it came true. My newest nephew is scheduled to arrive, fully developed, any moment now. When I think on it long enough, it feels almost unbelievable to me, that the dream she wanted most for herself, but feared most for herself because she thought she would be no good at it, is coming true for her, for them. I can't think about it for too terribly long, because while I am waiting, I have to work, I have to drive, I have to sleep.

But, I can't wait to see him. Better, I can't wait to see her see him........

I love my sister so much.


SanityFound said...

I got goosebumps reading your post and even though I now write here they continue to come in waves... Your sister is very lucky to have you in her life and visa versa, two incredible people! Am so excited for you and your sister, this is the most exciting of times filled with moments that her family and you will cherish till the end of times! I can't stop grinning its ridiculous! Auds

Vanessa Leigh said...

Thanks! It is not my first time being an auntie, but my heart is just overflowing with love and awe about this event. I can hardly wait to hold this little miracle, and for her to have her chance at being an incredible mom. Thanks so much, Auds. Vanessa :)